What size lithium battery for trolling motor

Author:Aimeno        Pageviews:

When it comes to powering a trolling motor, one of the most important decisions a boater will make is choosing the right size lithium battery. The size of the battery needed will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the boat, the power of the trolling motor, and the duration of the boating trip.

The first step in determining the appropriate size of a lithium battery for a trolling motor is to determine the power requirements of the motor. Trolling motors are rated in thrust, which is measured in pounds. The greater the thrust of the motor, the more power it requires. For example, a motor with 55 pounds of thrust will require more power than one with 40 pounds of thrust.

Next, consider the size of the boat and how long the boating trip will be. The larger the boat, the more power will be needed to move it through the water. Additionally, the longer the boating trip, the more power will be needed to keep the motor running.

Based on these considerations, a good rule of thumb is to choose a lithium battery with at least 20 amp hours (Ah) of capacity for every 50 pounds of thrust. So, for a 55-pound thrust trolling motor, a 100 Ah battery would be appropriate. For a 40-pound thrust motor, an 80 Ah battery would suffice.

Another important factor to consider is the voltage of the lithium battery. Trolling motors typically operate on 12-volt systems, so a 12-volt lithium battery is needed. Some batteries also offer a built-in voltage converter, which allows them to be used with a variety of different trolling motors and accessories.

In addition, some lithium batteries come with an integrated battery management system (BMS) which helps to protect the battery from overcharging and over-discharging. This is important because overcharging or over-discharging a lithium battery can shorten its lifespan.

When choosing a lithium battery for a trolling motor, it is important to consider the power requirements of the motor, the size of the boat, and the duration of the boating trip. A good rule of thumb is to choose a battery with at least 20 amp hours (Ah) of capacity for every 50 pounds of thrust. It's also important to choose a 12-volt battery with built-in voltage converter and a BMS protection for the battery.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine the thrust of my trolling motor?

The thrust of a trolling motor is typically listed on the motor itself or in the product specifications. It is measured in pounds and represents the amount of power the motor can produce to move the boat through the water.

What is the difference between amp hours (Ah) and watts?

Amp hours (Ah) is a measure of the capacity of a battery, whereas watts (W) is a measure of the power it can produce. For example, a 100 Ah battery can produce 100 amps of power for one hour, while a 100 W battery can produce 100 watts of power.

Can I use a lithium battery with a 24-volt trolling motor?

Lithium batteries are available in a variety of voltages, including 24-volt. However, it is important to ensure that the battery is compatible with the trolling motor and that the voltage and capacity of the battery meet the power requirements of the motor.

How long does a lithium battery last for a trolling motor?

The lifespan of a lithium battery for a trolling motor will depend on a variety of factors, including the quality of the battery, the frequency of use, and the way it is stored and maintained. On average, a high-quality lithium battery can last for several years with proper care.

Can I charge a lithium battery while it is in use in my trolling motor?

It is not recommended to charge a lithium battery while it is in use in a trolling motor, as this can cause overcharging and damage the battery. It's best to charge the battery separately when not in use, and to use a smart charger that has a built-in battery management system.